Section: New Results

Scientific Workflows

Reuse of Scientific Workflows

Participant : Sarah Cohen-Boulakia.

With the increasing popularity of scientific workflows, public and private repositories are gaining importance as a means to share, find, and reuse such workflows. As the sizes of workflows repositories grow, methods to compare the scientific workflows stored in them become a necessity, for instance, to allow duplicate detection or similarity search. Scientific workflows are complex objects, and their comparison entails a number of distinct steps from comparing atomic elements to comparison of the workflows as a whole. Various studies have implemented methods for scientific workflow comparison and came up with often contradicting conclusions upon which algorithms work best. Comparing these results is cumbersome, as the original studies mixed different approaches for different steps and used different evaluation data and metrics.

We first contribute to the field [26] by (i) comparing in isolation different approaches taken at each step of scientific workflow comparison, reporting on an number of unexpected findings, (ii) investigating how these can best be combined into aggregated measures, and (iii) making available a gold standard of over 2000 similarity ratings contributed by 15 workflow experts on a corpus of 1500 workflows and re-implementations of all methods we evaluated.

Then, we present a novel and intuitive workflow similarity measure that is based on layer decomposition [40] . Layer decomposition accounts for the directed dataflow underlying scientific workflows, a property which has not been adequately considered in previous methods. We comparatively evaluate our algorithm using our gold standard and show that it a) delivers the best results for similarity search, b) has a much lower runtime than other, often highly complex competitors in structure-aware workflow comparison, and c) can be stacked easily with even faster, structure-agnostic approaches to further reduce runtime while retaining result quality.

Processing Scientific Workflows in Multi-site cloud

Participants : Ji Liu, Esther Pacitti, Patrick Valduriez.

As the scale of the data increases, scientific workflow management systems (SWfMSs) need to support workflow execution in High Performance Computing (HPC) environments. Because of various benefits, cloud emerges as an appropriate infrastructure for workflow execution. However, it is difficult to execute some scientific workflows in one cloud site because of geographical distribution of scientists, data and computing resources. Therefore, a scientific workflow often needs to be partitioned and executed in a multisite environment.

In [46] , we define a multisite cloud architecture that is composed of traditional clouds, e.g., a pay-per-use cloud service such as Amazon EC2, private data-centers, e.g. a cloud of a scientific organization like Inria, COPPE or LNCC, and client desktop machines that have authorized access to the data-centers. We can model this architecture as a distributed system on the Internet, each site having its own computer cluster, data and programs. An important requirement is to provide distribution transparency for advanced services (i.e., workflow management, data analysis), to ease their scalability and elasticity. Current solutions for multisite clouds typically rely on application specific overlays that map the output of one task at a site to the input of another in a pipeline fashion. Instead, we define fully distributed services for data storage, intersite data movement and task scheduling.

Also, SWfMSs generally execute a scientific workflow in parallel within one site. In [38] , we propose a non-intrusive approach to execute scientific workflows in a multisite cloud with three workflow partitioning techniques. We describe an experimental validation using an adaptation of Chiron SWfMS for Microsoft Azure multisite cloud. The experiment results reveal the efficiency of our partitioning techniques, and their superiority in different environments.

Data-centric Iteration in Dynamic Workflows

Participant : Patrick Valduriez.

Dynamic workflows are scientific workflows supporting computational science simulations, typically using dynamic processes based on runtime scientific data analyses. They require the ability of adapting the workflow, at runtime, based on user input and dynamic steering. Supporting data-centric iteration is an important step towards dynamic workflows because user interaction with workflows is iterative. However, current support for iteration in scientific workflows is static and does not allow for changing data at runtime.

In [20] , we propose a solution based on algebraic operators and a dynamic execution model to enable workflow adaptation based on user input and dynamic steering. We introduce the concept of iteration lineage that makes provenance data management consistent with dynamic iterative workflow changes. Lineage enables scientists to interact with workflow data and configuration at runtime through an API that triggers steering. We evaluate our approach using a novel and real large-scale workflow for uncertainty quantification on a 640-core cluster. The results show impressive execution time savings from 2.5 to 24 days, compared to non-iterative workflow execution. We verify that the maximum overhead introduced by our iterative model is less than 5% of execution time. Also, our proposed steering algorithms are very efficient and run in less than 1 millisecond, in the worst-case scenario.